Quality at GlobalWafers

GlobalWafers QUALITY certification information
Because GlobalWafers' products are manufactured to meet exacting specifications, we work closely with the customers to ensure that all expectations are well understood. This close working relationship enables GlobalWafers to meet the needs of our customers as well as keep abreast of trends in the semiconductor industry so that we can anticipate future customer parametrics.
GlobalWafers continually strives to improve the performance and quality of its wafers while lowering production costs - simultaneously. To achieve these goals, GlobalWafers has invested heavily to improve yields, reduce cycle time and raise employee productivity.
All of our manufacturing facilities have received the internationally recognized manufacturing quality rating, the International Standards Organization ISO 9001 certification or ISO 9002 certification. GlobalWafers also received the 1994 Missouri Quality Award for its St. Peters facility. This award recognizes management and quality excellence, using comparable criteria, examination and qualifications as the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. The St. Peters facility was also selected as one of "America's 10 Best Plants" by Industry Week magazine in 1995. Winners of this prestigious award are evaluated on a comprehensive set of criteria that includes management practices, level of employee involvement and various improvement programs, as well as quantifiable performance indicators and evidence of competitiveness. In 1999, the St. Peters Plant was awarded the Missouri Team Quality Award based on the results of a GlobalWafers Blitz Team that reduced inventory by 50%, material travel by 61%, and cycle time by 53% in one operation.
In July of 2001, our Utsunomiya, Japan, facility was awarded the prestigious "Best Supplier Award" from NEC. Of a group of 100 top suppliers to NEC, nine, including GlobalWafers, were chosen to receive the "Best Supplier Award". The selection criteria were very stringent and included quality, performance, delivery, and service. This is only one example of the many awards GlobalWafers has received over the last few years from device manufacturers.
Uncompromising quality and efficient production methods remain a key strategy for GlobalWafers as we continue to help our customers meet both the current, and future, demands of their businesses.